Completed Projects

Completed Projects

  • Umut Contruction Gemlik Free Zone Aunde Technic New Building facate manufacturing and installation 
  • Umut Contruction Yenişehir Şişecam Storage Building facate manufacturing and installation 
  • Çağla Engineering Alsar Gayrimenkul Maslak Residence worm beam manufacturing
  • Kardeşler Glass Adıyaman Kahta Villa Roofing Manufacturing and installation
  • Umut Contruction Renault Mais Storage Contruction Scissors Manufacturing
  • Tunalar Contruction Trabzon Garden İnn Hilton Hotel Steel manufacturing and installation
  • Mega Endüstri Irak Kanopi and Support manufacturing
  • Kutluk Molding Bursa Hasanağa Silo manufacturing and installation
  • Elbirlik Metal Eskişehir Batıkent AVM manufacturing
  • Al-İş Makine Kestel Coca Cola Factory Crane Platform manufacturing and installation
  • Cemdemir Kütahya AVM Steel manufacturing 
  • Cemdemir Mall Of İstanbul Gurme and Yıldız Park manufacturing and installation
  • Uzman Büküm Arabistan Cidde Metro Station Steel manufacturing
  • Tüpraş B Region 21 pieces Basic Tank Construction Works